Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Big Day! Great to be in the Chesapeake!

Huge Day! Left Cape May at 0600 at the advice of Cambia. Great call on their part.

We made it out the inlet, up the whole Delaware and across the C&D Canal today. Weather was overcast as we left, and lasted about 6 hours until fog rolled in. After about an hour, a rain storm came through, cleared out the fog, and we had a spectacularly sunny end to our trip. We had a rainbow behind us and flocks of Canadian geese migrating to each side. We anchored in Bohemian Bay next to Cambia at about 5:30 p.m.

Paul K gave us some of his spags sauce when we left the Highlands and we had an awesome dinner this eve. Thanks again Paul. The kids are huge fans!

I'm hitting the hay.

Cool lighthouse in the Delaware River.
A nuclear power plant serves as a useful landmark on the NJ side. The cooling tower shown here, above Tyler's head, can be seen for miles.
This is the Reedy Point Bridge at the entry to the C&D canal. All bridges in the canal are supposedly 132 feet minimum, but we question this every time we see a bridge. We even called the Ordways to verify this one!

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