We saw 2 water spouts during the trip, which was very exciting! For anyone who doesn't know, they're twisters of water getting sucked up into the clouds. Not something you want to sail into, but cool to see. My picture below of the cloudy sky is just after....missed the shot. :( You can see the bands of dark still though.
We are cancelling our Verizon service for now, and will be getting a Bahamian phone service. Until then, we can get in touch via computer, google voice, or Skype.
After discovering that the gulf stream was flat...
Who knew that conch had eyes? Makes me think twice about whether I'll eat it or not... |
Oh whew! I am relieved - I've been thinking of you all day! Well done!! The conditions look as near perfect as you can get- good call!
How exciting- you're now in foreign parts! Can't wait to hear more- hurry up and send pics, blogs, e-mails and phone calls!! We love you all lots and lots,
Awesome!!!! Congrats.
Such fab photos gorgeous blue open seas and all of you looking so happy - wunderbar - is that right John? Start to feel like I qwish I was there! LAA xxx
Hello Happy Sailors!!! Enjoy the warm weather it's getting cold up north!! Love the pictures. Be safe. Love you guys, Michelle xoxo
The one of Tyler and Liza ready to call "Land Ho" is wonderful!
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