Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Greenport - Day 6 & 7

Courtesy of the Claudio family, we have spent two great days tied up to the dock at Claudio's Marina in Greenport. This marina is the oldest family operated marina in the US, dating back to 1870. There's even a secret door under the dock for rum smuggling! Michelle, John's cousin came to visit and pick up the kids. The kids are spending the night with Michelle's family and Elsa in Miller Place. I checked in tonight and apparently Elsa was so excited to see the kids that Michelle thought she was going to have a heart attack. I definitely was a little worried that she wouldn't remember us, so I like to hear this. Since John and I were alone tonight, we went to 'Happy Hour' at Claudio's bar. We met a very interesting fellow, Dave Willinger, a fellow German, and writer, at the bar and spent a couple of hours discussing everything from Hemingway to Beethoven to gun control. Tomorrow we head to Mount Sinai or Port Jefferey, and will spend a couple of nights at cousin Michelle's.


MPG said...

I see you've moved! Hope the weather is good- it's quite cool here. Enjoy your evening!

Alexa Schnauck said...

Wondering why this doesn't work.